Friday, April 10, 2009

Triviaaa whaaaaaa.

Well I didn´t have this weeks trivia on my lost post, so here it is guys!

Peru is one of the leading exporters for paprika, and asparagus. As well as gold, and they have some of the best silver you will ever find!

As a lack of education in Peru, they arent able to really get into the exprting as other countries are. So they sit on the moto of ¨Poor man sitting on a golden chair.¨

Well thats this week trivia for you guys, we are heading out to Cusco in a little bit.

Hope all is well at home.

- Jenn

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Bring a TON of bugspray to Machu Picchu -- there are so many crazy mosquitos along that route that I had 60 bites all along the backs of my arms and legs! And that was during the dry season!