Saturday, March 7, 2009

Otavalo Take Two

Hey all! We are back in Otavalo for another weekend in the city. We have just returned from a week in the Cloud Forest, teaching English and computer skills to little kids. They were all absolutely precious and it was incredibly rewarding. As far as English goes, we taught the kids numbers, the alphabet, colors, days of the week, months of the year and basic greetings like hello, how are you and my name is _______ in English. They all learned pretty fast!
The setting we were in was incredibly gorgeous. Green mossy mountains everywhere you looked, with a minty green river snaking its way through. There were banana trees and tropical flowers everywhere you looked. Each day we took a 45 minute walk from the house where we were staying to the school where we were teaching, so we got to take in a lot of the scenery.
Living in the house all together was fun. The girls had a bit of a bug problem in our room so Im sure it was pretty funny for everyone else to hear us shrieking for about 5 minutes before and after we stomped on another big cockroach. Turns out some of the men who we were staying with and were helping us with cooking etc this week had some shamanistic abilities, so they taught Karen, Amanda and I to be ¨brujas¨or witches and our ceremony to become brujas involved having to walk through a huge waterfall! Ouch! It was an incredibly refreshing and amazing experience. We are witches now so look out!
We have had a lot of fun trying different plates of Ecuador, drinking fresh pinapple, papaya and blackberry juices, playing thousands of rounds of cards, and getting to spend time with the kids.
Next step- working in a nature conservation park but we aren´t sure yet what our jobs will be exactly.. wish us luck!
¡Hasta luego y muchos besos!

1 comment:

Westbrae said...

Well I certainly hope that you are all GOOD Witches and will only use your new powers against evil! Even though your writing is quite descriptive...Post some PHOTOS, please