Hola Chamos! Saludos desde Portland!
We hope everyone has been having an awesome summer and is getting ready for an amazing adventure to South America.
We're here at Carpe Diem in Oregon putting together the last few details of our trip. We're in for the experience of a lifetime!
Get ready to be both challenged and inspired. The most important thing to realize is that you will get exactly as much out of this trip as you put in. This is YOUR experience. We challenge you to take every opportunity to push yourself, try something different, speak in Spanish even if you're making mistakes...if you do, we promise that this will an incredible opportunity and life changing experience. And a helluva good time to boot!
This is what we love to do and we're psyched to be able to share it with you.
Less than two weeks and we'll all be meeting in LAX!
While you're putting the last details together, you may find the following links useful:
www.cdc.gov (for any last health questions or concerns)
Also, check out the student only web page found in your Acceptance Packet
If you have any questions, shoot us an email at our official group email
address at samcarpediem@yahoo.com. You can also expect an email from us over the next few days with a couple final details.
This blog will be the primary way that we'll be staying in touch with everyone back home and keeping them up date on our latest adventures - so make sure to pass around this address and let everyone know to check it regularly.
Hasta pronto!
Britt and Nick